Seven Ways to Improve Your Understanding of the Qurʾan

Posted June 09, 2020
By admin

At Qurʾan Gateway, we remain engaged in a continual effort to improve its content and value to our users, to improve how our site operates, and to make our site easier and more intuitive to use. Seven recent additions to our site make it more useful to all our users on four continents. Here is a brief summary of recent improvements you’ll see at to help improve your understanding of the Qurʾan:


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The Print Editions of the Qurʾan and the Reading Traditions

Posted January 31, 2020
By admin

The most widely accepted qurʾanic text as we know it today, ultimately stems from the 1924 print published in Cairo, colloquially known as the Cairo Edition. Today’s widely distributed Medina Mushaf of the King Fahd Complex owes its orthography for a large part to the Cairo Edition. This print has become the de facto standard and it is this text that the Qurʾan Gateway uses, as well as popular websites such as,, and

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Qurʾan Gateway Available For All: Here’s How To Get Access

Posted September 05, 2019
By admin

Time is precious, isn’t it? Oh, some who work in the fast-paced world of modern business might look over the fence at the academic world and think to themselves, “I wish I could live that quiet life of a scholar, pursuing what interests me at whatever pace seems reasonable.” But time is precious for scholars, too.

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